Thursday, October 29, 2009


"I want to have a nice body but not as much as I want dessert!"
Amen! Amen! Amen!
I love yummy treats....
So my niece (BRITTNEY) comes over and tells me has this yummy recipe that she is going to make for her and her "friend" make us this oh so yummy Halloween treat! It was so yummy! Did I tell you that it was super YUMMY?? I could not stay out of it. I even took it off my counter and put it in the pantry...ya know outta sight outta mind...NOT! It was like a little person in the pantry was in there calling my name! So I would HAVE go in there and get a piece! I am ashamed to tell you this is all that is left and she just made it on Tuesday night! (In my defense, I did however share it with my YW on Wednesday night when they came over...)
SOOO..when I go to Weight Watchers in the morning I was thinking of taking the last three pieces to "Julie" our director and letting her have a taste and then she will understand why
I did not lose any weight this week! Sound like a good idea? Here is a picture that Kacey took of me and what we now call "the devils candy"

Since misery LOVE company here is Brittney's recipe...and no I didn't ask her if I could post it oops!
15 oreos crushed
1 1/2 cup pretzel sticks broken up
candy corn--a hand full (I don't even like candy corn and this stuff was YUMMY)
Toffee Bits (optional)
1 lb. vanilla almond bark
Halloween sprinkles
mix together oreos, pretzels, candy corn and toffee bits spread on baking sheet covered with wax paper
melt almond bark in microwave for 2 minutes, stir and microwave for 30 seconds...until melted
pour over mixture and give it a spread.
Top with a handful of candy corn and sprinkle with the Halloween sprinkles.
Refrigerate until firm...(or put in freezer like we did, because we just had no patience to wait any longer!!!)
break into pieces and ENJOY!!! (I suggest you share with a friend or it will call you name in the pantry!)
Thanks Brittney for this yummy recipe that you didn't even say I could have, but left your sticky note with the recipe on it sitting on my counter!


Chris and Suzette said...

I want some!!! I can so relate o wanting a great figure, but NEEDING the dessert more! That's what I like about you .. . keeping it real :)

Mary Anne said...

HA HA HA HA!!! So is this "friend" the reason that Brittney is too busy to call me lately??? I need to talk to that girl.

I just might have to try this recipe :)

Mela said...

Sounds like a great vinyl lettering quote! :0) j/k. The recipe sounds really good.