Thursday, June 24, 2010

Spring Break and Amazing Jakes!

I know, I know, I'm like 5 months behind! So here we ready for a TON of pictures!
I'm gonna get all caught up before this baby gets here and all heck breaks loose! haha
We went to my parents cabin for Cooper's spring break. It was a ton of fun! Wendy, Jason and kids went too! It was so nice to sit back a relax for a few days. While we were there my niece Lindsey came and hung out with us for 2 days and Dale and Amanda and kids came for a day trip. It was so much fun. Cooper was in heaven.

This is Cooper and Arlee in The Redwing's Rhino! Flint wants one soooo bad. I told him when he could pay cash for it! haha. It was so much fun!
Us in the Rhino---poor Arlee she was so cold in it and she hated the wind. We definitely want one with a windshield!
The Redwings with Cooper
Caleb, Cooper and Jacob in the back!
Cooper ate the nasty old snow. He was so excited to see the snow. We really need to take him out of the city more!
Lindsey playing with the kids in the creek. It was soooo cold, but they still got in!
Cooper, Caleb, Jacob and Joy on the bridge over the creek
Arlee at the Bingham reunion.
For Christmas Dale and Amanda gave us tickets to Amazing Jakes.
It is one of Flint and Cooper favorite places ( I like it too) We had a great ol time. Arlee even had fun.

Cooper climbing the rock wall.
Arlee eating her 1st ice cream cone...she started from the bottom! Never a good idea!
We played mini golf. Flint won...of course!


Anonymous said...

Amazing Jakes sounds so fun. I really wish we went to the cabin more, Kade loves it there!!! Cant wait to see you.

Spencer and Marlee said...

FUN!!! I want to go there!